Run out of fuel?

We can help.

Running out of gas is a bummer. And so are the crazy high prices other people charge to bring you a couple gallons. With Mach1 we help get you moving fast and at fair market prices, so you’ll never pay $100 for two gallons of gas. Download our app and we’ll get you moving again!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost?

Prices vary based on region. You will see an estimated price in the app before you confirm your service. Once your Service Provider helps you, you’ll sign off on the final amount from their device. Prices are based on fair market value, meaning the average price of each service in the region.

Do I need to be a member?

No, with Mach1 you simply pay for roadside assistance when you need it.

Do I have to wait for someone to dispatch help?

No, with Mach1, our app finds the closest provider to you and dispatches them through our app, leading to revolutionizing standards in roadside assistance. Since we don’t use a call center or manual dispatch process there is no price haggling with Service Providers while you wait stranded on the side of the road.

How much does the app cost?

The app itself is free to download. You simply pay for roadside assistance when you need it.

How do I pay?

You can pay with a credit or debit card right through the app.

How do I reach someone at Mach1?

You’ll be able call Mach1 directly, 24/7 through the app.

Who are the Service Providers?

Mach1 Service Providers comprise our network of talented individuals ready to help you get back on the road. From shops & tow truck companies to mobile mechanics and independents, our providers are ready to bring you the best roadside assistance experience possible.

Do you background check Service Providers?

All Mach1 Service Providers are vetted using a seven-point candidate check. We screen nationally, statewide, and even at the county level, to bring you the most trusted providers available. Our providers and insured and trained in safety practices so when you’re on the side of the road, they’ll know how to help.

Can I choose which type of fuel I’d like?

In the app you can choose between, unleaded, premium, and diesel.

If I’m out of fuel, how many gallons will I get if I use Mach1?

Service Providers carry two gallons of fuel per service call.